

On February 2nd, 2011 comact presents in cooperation with IV (Federation of Austrian Industry) and respACT „Stakeholder Engagement – A Matter for Success and Sustainability”

comact in Die Presse „Social Responsibility is up to the Boss” 04/11/2010

comact comments on "Campaign of the Week" in FORMAT 41/10

ISO 26000 launched November 1st, 2010 as an international guidance standard.

comact in “Wiener Wirtschaft” on the occasion of the CSR open day for SMEs csr-tag_wkowien_230910.pdf

comact writes in “Der Standard” for the series “Good capitalism”: “Listening effectivly and implementing properly ”
Der Standard 4.07.2010

comact in “Die Presse”
“Corporate Social Responsibility: Good or just well intended?” CHRISTINE KARY Die Presse 14.05.2010

comact writes in Börsen-Kurier
“Values in Multi-Level Marketing”, Money & Ethics boersenkurier_210101.pdf