
investor relations.

In times of difficult market conditions it is of crucial importance for companies to provide information about their corporate orientation and long-term perspectives for sustainable development.

Investors also expect companies to report non-financial, soft facts. This additional content is playing an increasingly important role as it provides additional input about a company’s ability to create value and its risk position.

As a result, companies increasingly report about the reasons why their business model will be successful in the future, their competitive position as well as their innovation strategies.

comact enables your company to effectively address the capital markets and successfully communicate your CSR activities. In this context, we offer a comprehensive service portfolio:

  • Intergration of ESG issues in annual reporting

  • communication on ESG isuues with investors, analysts and financial media

  • support of IR in all aereas of CR and Sustainability

  • processing of ESG data for presentation materials or road shows

We would be happy to answer your questions about our services.
